Once you have followed the steps in MetaMask to confirm the “Contract Interaction”, it may take a few moments for Eve DeFi to detect your trade so please be patient. If your trade fails, there could be multiple reasons, please scroll down to “Order failure” in the below section for more information. In this section, we discuss the most common problems. If you don't see your problem here, please reach out to us on Telegram or - someone will aim to help you. While we try to help we cannot be responsible for any issues which might arise which are out of our direct control, which is nearly all issues due to the open-source nonreversible nature of the protocol.
Please note that you use the Eve protocol and interface at your own risk, the service is provided as is and is open source.
If you have trouble before doing anything we suggest updating your RPC to it seems to be much faster with fewer issues than other polygon RPCs. Why don't I see my offer right away? To avoid potential issues, we have to wait for the trade to have 20+ block confirmations before listing it on the interface, check back in a minute or so and you will see it. My transaction is slow: This is due to the polygon, network. Increase your gas fee to the maximum and it should help. Consider updating your RPC. My transaction failed: This is due to the network, you should cancel the transaction in Meta Mask and wait. Eventually, it will become a failed transaction and you should be able to start again. My transaction gives me a crazy gas price and says likely to fail: Something is wrong, either you don't have enough coins, the contract does not have enough coins to sell you, or some other type of error. Do not proceed, wait and try again, if not you might need to reinstall Meta Mask.
I did not get all the tokens I bought, why? Probably your tokens are vesting and you have to claim them.
Last updated